Here's an update of my life as a future grad student:
Lately, my days have been full of the little things: buying manilla envelopes, only to realize that I need even more manilla envelopes, since for every school that I apply to it's really like applying to two (one to the department, one to the graduate school. Jerks.); spending hours detailing individual lists of things to do for each school, and then realizing I still haven't actually had the time to start doing any of it since I spend all my time in "prep" work, (like a doctor, except without the payoff of "saving" "lives") and while that feels constructive, it's not; and buying 12"x12" cork squares for a makeshift corkboard on which I've hung all my manilla envelopes and checklists. At the time it felt like a great idea for organization's sake, but I've since reconsidered. Apparantly staring at the board of mfa's for an hour before you go to sleep each night, only to be greeted by it as the first thing you see every morning isn't as relaxing as it sounds.
On a positive note, the cork board fell down, bringing all my hard work down with it into a crumpled mess of paper and tears on the floor. I've since reinforced it with a nail-gun. Suckers.
So, if you're interested, here's my final list of schools:
University of Virginia (Charlottesville)
University of Texas (Austin.. WOOHOO!)
University of North Carolina (Greensboro)
University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa)
University of Arkansas (Fayetteville)
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
University of Iowa (Iowa City)
Columbia Unviversity
Cornell University.
If you're impressed, consider writing me a letter of recommendation, since I still only have two, and I need three. Sweet F-bombing deal!
As you may have noticed, the list is full to the brim with the bible belt. So clean the windows, Jaron! I'm coming to visit!! (if I get accepted, so maybe hold off for now)
Of some concern: Brent has expressed the opposite of willingness to follow me past the Mason Dixon Line. Or is it Mason Dixie? I think I called it Dixie for a long time, thinking it had something to do with those crazy racist paper cups.
Ah, love.