My Future / Jim Crow Past
My future home? The dirrrrrty south.
That's right, folks. As of Thursday I am kind of sort of an Alabamian six months from now. Sweet cornbread and mint julips! The University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa, nestled snuggly between Montgomery, Birmingham, and Mississippi, has offered me a full-ride with a TAship and a $10,000 stipend each year. I may jest about the somewhat tarnished history of the great state of Alabama, but really, this is crazy exciting. Alabama is in my top three schools, and beyond that, this ensures that I have a future for the next three to four years. Not to mention, Tuscaloosa is a city of the "New South", so back up, y'all. This is a new day:
(Alabama Riding Lawn Mower)
It's actually sort of a funny story, involving me confusing the head poetry professor for a program assistant, and having no clue even after he spelled his name out for me. Obviously, I am a terrific candidate for this program. Whatever. Now is not the time to wallow in the embarrassing past. Now is a time to look towards the bright future. As in towards my future new best friends:
(Left to Right: Jethro, "Little Lady", Billy Bob, Bobby "Boob Job" Jim, Jed and Jimmy Dean)
Oh, who am I kidding? We all know who my real friends are going to be.